About Us
Amar Jyoti Industries was founded in 1962 at New Delhi, India as a candle manufacturing unit. In 1996, we diversified our business & engaged in importing & distributing Waxes, Plastics and Additives to various industries.
Our aim is to supply our customers with "Best & Original" products at a fair price. We help customers to match the suitable products that meet their application requirement.
Customer satisfaction and on time delivery is the base Amar Jyoti Industries is built on. The team of experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated professionals is ready to serve you and supply you with the finest petroleum products to insure your complete satisfaction.
Contact Info

Amar Jyoti Industries
A-94/6 Wazirpur Industrial Area
Delhi-110052, India.
Telephone: +91 (11) 4756 0202
Email: info@amarjyotiwax.in